Protect Medicine
Flavoring for Kids

Support AB 782

It is no secret that children do not enjoy taking medication. Parents plead, struggle, and even force-feed their children just to swallow the bad-tasting medicines they desperately need.

To lessen this challenge, pharmacists in California have been able to help parents and children skip the medication-time meltdown by adding flavoring to prescription medicines to help “make the medicine go down.”

Medication Flavoring is Critical
for California Families

0 Million

6 Million


under the age of 11 live in California —
these children typically take liquid
medications when they are sick

0 K-
0 K

300 K- 500K


are flavored every year in California's
pharmacies, without a single reported
incident of harm over the past 20 years

0 +


CA Pharmacies

currently offer medication
flavoring to families and customers

is at Risk

The California Board of Pharmacy is considering a proposal that would inhibit the state’s more than 5,000 pharmacies from flavoring medication for children, a practice that has been in place for years without any downside or ill effect. To keep flavoring for children’s medications widely available, the California Legislature has introduced Assembly Bill 782 so that most pharmacies in California remain able to offer flavoring to their customers.

Without AB 782, parents in California, who rely on flavoring now, will be forced to resort to home-cooked methods to get the medicine down or, what’s even more likely, kids won’t take their medicine at all. That would be disastrous for children’s health.

Take Action

Please voice your support for AB 782  by submitting the following letter, which will automatically be sent to your respective legislator based on your address. (Your personal information will not be used for any other purpose).

Make your voice heard!

Has your family benefitted from medicine flavoring? If so, we’d love to hear your story. Please complete the form below so we can show the California Board of Pharmacy why they must protect medication flavoring. Your experience could make all the difference for the families of California!

"*" indicates required fields


What Experts are saying about
flavored medicine